I hate TikTok (Rant)

Tiktok is Chinese datamining cancer that I firmly believe it is intentionally designed to help accelerate the decline of American culture. The epitome of consoomerism. It is the gen Z version of a boomer zoning out to mainstream television sitcoms.

No input is required other than dragging your finger upward, and no attention span is needed because all the videos can be measured as single-digit seconds. It is as mindless and brain-rotting as content consumption can get. It doesn't make you think for your dopamine rush, it doesn't ask you do anything except swipe... swipe... swipe... and sharply exhale out of your nose at something you'd say you lol'd at.

I've never seen such a horrifically zombifying app before. Not only can you get away with staring at your phone screen, but you don't have to think for even a second about what you are staring at because the video is over as soon as it began, and you barely even have to move your finger to get another one. At the very least, other platforms, such as YouTube, require you to search for something or browse the recommended videos, or might sneak some educational content in there on autoplay. The YouTube shorts seem to have, generally speaking, better quality of content. Even the as-mentioned boomer sitcoms at least give you some sort of plot to follow.

TikTok just lets you scroll and scroll for hours, unwilling to put it down because that next chuckle is just a few scrolls away. It's terrifyingly addictive, and it's run by a country that for all intents and purposes is a very clear enemy of the Western world. As reprehensible as Facebook and Twitter are, at least they have the potential to be used as platforms for communication. TikTok is literally content consoomption distilled into it's purest form.

It's narrowly two steps away from having this nonsense beamed directly into your psyche.

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